Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hospital employees protest against mandated flu shot

"It's not that we're against anyone who wants to take the vaccine," said Millie Rusi, a staff nurse in the cardio-thoracic unit. "Just don't mandate it." This is what Millie said when the Staten Island hospital mandated all flu shots to health care workers and doctors.

I think this is an actual good idea considering that the supposed H1N1 season is coming.

link to the article:


Chris Frank 24 said...

Matthew I have to go against you on this one. I disagree with your opinion based on the hospital making it mandated for there employees to take a flu shot because of the upcoming season. What if the employees have religious, cultural or philosophical reasons or they are unable to take the shot because they are afraid of the after affects. In my opinion what the hospitals are doing is wrong in every way such as taking away their employees rights and saying in what goes on in the hospital.

Christoher Frank